XMail is an Internet and intranet Mail Server featuring an ESMTP server, POP3 server, Finger Server, TLS support for SMTP and POP3 (both server and client side), multiple domains, no need for users to have a real system account, SMTP relay checking, DNS based maps check, custom (IP based and address based) spam Protection, SMTP authentication (PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 POP3-before-SMTP and custom), a POP3 account syncronizer with external POP3 accounts, account aliases, domain aliases, custom mail processing, Direct Mail files delivery, custom mail filters, mailing lists, Remote Administration, custom mail exchangers, logging, and multi-platform code. XMail sources compile under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, Solaris and NT/2K/XP. Read the file README.TXT included with the distribution.
* POP3/POP3S server
* Finger server
* Multiple domains
* Users don't need a real system account
* SMTP relay checking
* Custom SMTP maps check
* SMTP protection over spammers (IP based and address based)
* SMTP authentication (PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 POP3/SMTP and custom)
* SMTP ETRN command support
* POP3 account synchronizer with external POP3 accounts
* Account aliasing
* Domain aliasing
* Mailing lists
* Custom mail processing
* Locally generated mail files delivery
* Remote administration
* Custom mail exchangers
* Logging
* Multi platform (any Windows and almost any Unix OSs)
* Fine grained message filters
* Custom (external) POP3/SMTP authentication
* TLS support for SMTP and POP3, both server and client side